Live life to the point of tears

Time and again, I have wondered about the meaning of my life, of our lives. Do we as cerebral human beings instinctively seek out a common goal? Or are the goals and dreams we possess manifestation of internalized social and cultural values/beliefs.

If there is a common goal, which comes to light when we wash away years of forming perceptions, then I believe it is fulfillment. Fulfillment, the way I like to define it, is a state of mind, where an individual is utilizing his/her unique talents to maximize the general well-being of all beings.

In my case, I have been moved to the point of tears by human innovation and thought. I see, a rocket blasting off into space, a bio-fuel cell producing energy from glucose, a nano solar cell harnessing the energy of our sun, a pace maker helping the weak, a speech therapist helping our young speak. In these movements, I am so proud of humanity, in these movements, I am blissfully in vole, to the point of tears.

My story however, is not unique but, as eloquently put by Ken Robinson, an education reformists, “it is a hymn to the breathtalking diversity of human talent, passion and to our extraordinary potential for development and growth”.

So to the teenager trying to figure out what to do with his/her life or to the college students who are not motivated or sure about his/her major; this is for you.

You are a uniquely talented individual, living a complex life that is driven by a simple want for fulfillment. Find this unique strength of years, are you musically inclined? Are you extra sensitive to people’s thoughts? Do you like teaching? Do you have an extraordinary love for animals? Can you just not sit still when there is music playing? Are you a wizard in a particular subject that gives you an immense amount of pleasure while you are learning it? Do you love cooking? Are you exceptional  at a sport?

Your areas of interest do not have to be science, medicine or engineering. The beauty and success of our species lives in the diversity of our talents and passions. Be a musician and warm hearts and minds with your melodies, be a psychologist, a therapist and help detangle thoughts and feelings, be a teacher and nourish the young minds of tomorrow, be a vet, own a pet store and help share this beautiful planet with our animal friends, be a dancer and bring joy and wonder to countless minds. The examples are endless but they all point to single bigger picture. A dynamic picture where humanities brightest strengths of kindness, love and creativity are coalescing in perfect harmony to give birth to our beautiful world. Without you, this picture will not be complete.

Meditate on yourself for a while, be aware of thoughts and feelings passing through your mind, look for the outliers; the most intense feelings,  call these your strengths, pursue them and I assure you, at this high level of consciousness, you, too will live life to the point of  tears.


By Sumedha Percy Weerasuriya